Hearing -Perceived as the most important of our senses

March 17, 2021
Hearing -Perceived as the most important of our senses
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The German philosopher Emmanuel Kant once, said ‘The loss of sight distances one from objects, but the loss of hearing distances one from other people”.


Hearing is one of the 5 senses and is perceived as the most important sense as it contributes to our perception of our surroundings and comprehension of what goes on around us. It is the ability to perceive noise and sounds, and also it complements the sense of vision. The sense of hearing plays the most important role in the development of speech and language as well as the normal psychomotor development of the child.


Our hearing is used to listen to music, talk to people around us and assess social and environmental situations. Humans actually have a fairly narrow range of hearing compared to other species. The frequencies that humans are capable to hear are between 20Hz and 20,000Hz (known as audio or sonic range). Frequencies above that range are known as ultrasonic and those below are known as infrasonic. 


Not being able to hear the world around you can often lead to depression and feelings of isolation.

Did you know? 

  1. Ears also help you keep your balance: There are three loops in your inner ear that are full of liquid which moves as you move your head. This movement sends a message to your brain to tell it how your body is moving. What causes a dizzy feeling is when the fluid in your ears spins round and confuses your brain. 
  2. Children's ears and hearing are more sensitive than adults allowing them to hear a greater variety of sounds.
  3. Dogs can hear ultrasound! That is why they hear dog whistles and we don't.
  4. Snakes can sense infrasound through their bellies, and elephants, giraffes, dolphins and whales use it to communicate.
  5. Dolphins can hear 14 times better than humans


For more information, please contact Hear More 4 Less at +357 99350298, info@hearmore4less.com

Dr. George Panayiotou, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA
Clinical Audiologist

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